Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Marilyn Collectors wanted for new book!

There is a new Marilyn book in the works that will be similar to the Marilyn Monroe Treasures book that was released last year. I have seen their Warhol treasure book and it is fabulous! The reproduction items are really detailed and I am excited another publisher is taking a crack at this type of Marilyn book.

They are looking for fans who would be willing to share any items connected with Marilyn such as letters, receipts, notes, etc. Basically anything that could be reproduced. The warhol book had a passport - Man, I wish we could get Marilyn's passport into this one!  The quality is superb.

If you or someone you know can help please contact:

Jennifer Barr

Project Editor

Carlton Publishing Group

20 Mortimer Street

London W1T 3JW



1 comment:

  1. seeking black round frame sunglasses she wore in the 60's
    Have you seen them?

    Where can I get a pair, I lost mine in New York while visiting.
