Saturday, October 31, 2009

Marilyn Pumpkin Stencils - Happy Halloween!

Here are some pumpkin patterns to make your own Marilyn jack-o-laterns.  Just click on the pattern you want to be taken to the stencil.

marilyn1   marilyn2
Picture 8

Here are some other great looking Marilyn Monroe pumpkins....

Picture 7

  Picture 11


  1. Excellent Site about Marilyn....
    I am in a bit of a significant other is a big "Marilyn " fan....we have posters and large frame pictures.... but the dilemna I currently have is her brother found some "Marilyn" memorbilia at a garage sale..... we have a two bedroom apartment.... and outside of Christmas.... it is all "Marilyn"...

    The memorbillia her brother found is what I suspect as the pictures taken for the movie clips...all framed eleven in all....

    I anticipate a "Marilyn Museum".... but I would like to date and document the pictures...

    Thank you for your time

  2. This Halloween activity is very interesting. We don't do it here in our place, maybe because we find it unethical to carve pumpkins as if we're making fun of a vegetable. But seriously, I am amazed with how talented those who could carve. Thanks for these pumpkin carving designs . I would love to list them on my collection please. Cheers and good day always!
