Sunday, September 18, 2011

2 Vintage Magazine Articles Added

Thanks to Angelina and Anastasia for sending in a couple of Marilyn articles from some Vintage magazine they had.  I really appreciate people helping out with this section of my website by transcribing the articles including photo captions (into word or typed into an email) and also emailing a scan of the article to  This way I can also include the photos and front of the magazine.  I prefer transcribed articles because they are easier for everyone to read and people can adjust the font.

You can visit the updated articles here.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Virtual Marilyn Selling Dior

So it looks like Marilyn has given up her Chanel No. 5, at least according to Christian Dior.  Thanks to the wonders of CGI Marilyn makes an appearance in the new Dior commerical for J'adore perfume.  Charlize Theron stars as a model late for her runway appearance.  She is seen backstage walking past the likes of Marlene Dietrich, Grace Kelly and finally Marilyn.  There is something just a little off about the virtual Marilyn in my opinion.  I know the company who now owns the rights to Marilyn's image (Authentic Brand Group) had already announced they had plans to bring Marilyn to life through CGI.  I imagine this was what they were referring to.  The positive thing is that the ad is high-end and certainly nothing out of character for Marilyn - I mean she did like perfume after all.  Let's hope they keep future Marilyn projects classy and respectful too.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Holly Madison modeling Marilyn's necklace and jacket

UPDATED:  Thank you to a couple of fans who pointed out that Holly looks to be modeling Marilyn's jacket from Prince and the Showgirl and her Ceil Chapman dress in this photo.  I updated the photo that was originally posted on this blog with one that shows more of the jacket and dress.  The question was raised is she actually wearing Marilyn's necklace too?  I thought it was a good possibility since the necklace does look like it is missing some stones.   So I looked back at the Juliens auction where the necklace was sold in 2009.  Sure enough the jacket and dress was also for sale in that auction and the auction was held at Planet Hollywood in Vegas.  So obviously this photo shows Holly (who's Vegas show is at Planet Hollywood) modeling the items that were being sold at auction!  Lucky girl!!

I was looking through Holly's new book The Showgirl Next Door: Holly Madison's Las Vegas when I noticed a photo I thought I'd share.

I couldn't help but notice the beautiful necklace she is wearing.  Since Holly is such a big fan of Marilyn I am sure it is no coincidence that it looks exactly like the famous necklace Marilyn wore in the Sam Shaw photos.

I am actually a fan of Holly.  I think she is gorgeous and seems like a genuine person.  Of course, being a Marilyn fan doesn't hurt her either :)  I had the chance to see her Vegas show "Peepshow".  Highly recommended if you are looking for some adult entertainment.

Here are some more photos of Holly where she was inspired by Marilyn.