Saturday, March 3, 2012

Whitey's Money Clip Up For Auction

The History of the Money Clip
In preparation for Marilyn's funeral, Allan "Whitey" Snyder did her makeup for the last time.  A flask of gin fortifying him enough to carry out a promise he had made in jest many years earlier, and of which Marilyn had reminded him with an inscription on a gold money clip she gave him, saying, "Whitey Dear, While I'm still warm, Marilyn."

This amazing piece of Marilyn history is going to be auctioned off through Juliens Auctions on March 31, 2012.  It is shocking that Snyder's family does not want to hold onto this.  The estimate is $6,000-8,000 but I can't imagine it going for so little. 

Decription from Juliens

A Tiffany money clip, stamped 14K, gifted to Allan "Whitey" Snyder by Marilyn Monroe. The clip is engraved "Whitey Dear:/ While I'm still warm/ Marilyn." Snyder, already a successful Hollywood makeup artist, first worked with Monroe during her 1946 screen test with 20th Century Fox, which resulted in her first studio contract. Snyder went on to become Monroe's on-screen and personal makeup artist. Monroe and Snyder developed a close friendship during their 16-year association, so close in fact that Monroe made the macabre request that Snyder do her makeup for her own funeral should anything ever happen to her. Snyder's glib response: "Sure, bring the body back while it is still warm and I'll do it." Not long after that Monroe gave Snyder this money clip. In 1962 Snyder sadly kept his promise of preparing Monroe's final makeup. Accompanied by a Tiffany cloth holder; a letter from Westwood Memorial Park thanking Snyder for his cosmetic work and for being a pallbearer at Monroe's funeral, with original transmittal envelope; a black and white photograph of Snyder and the other pallbearers carrying Monroe's coffin; and an article from The Enquirer that shows the pair together and discusses the promise Snyder made to Marilyn and her gift.
2 1/4 by 1 inch
PROVENANCE From the Estate of Allan "Whitey" Snyder


  1. I was shocked to see so many of Whitey's memories up for sale! I could not believe that the gold money clip was going also! Who made the choice to auction off items that I'm sure Whitey would want to hold onto forever-even after hew passed away. Maybe he would have passed the stuff to be auctioned off, to his kids, telling them that, "this stuff needs to stay in the family-never sell it" I don't think he'd be too happy knowing his Marilyn treasures were going to be auctioned. That gold money clip was SO special to him. I just don't get it; and I even wrote an email to Julien's about it. Just who made the choice to sell such mermories?? --- Shana C.

  2. My friend Pete and I were beside Marilyn’s crypt at the Pierce Brothers Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery, Los Angeles paying homage to her on Tuesday June 11th 2013 when we struck up a conversation with two ladies.
    One of them is the person who’d bought the money clip and other items (Lot 521) at the Juliens’ auction last year.
    She very kindly showed us these items – what a collection! The money clip is stunning and we felt incredibly privileged to have been shown these items.
    If you happen to read this Madam, we thank you again for sharing with us.

    Steve & Pete
    New Zealand

  3. Wow Steve & Pete, you are both so lucky to have seen this in person! Thanks for sharing.
