Sunday, August 28, 2011

New Kim Goodwin Doll

I have added a new doll to the Kim Goodwin gallery on my site.  Thank you so much to Kim for sending along this amazing addition.  I never get tired of looking at his work and it is wonderful to see a new creation!  They are still the best custom Marilyn dolls ever made.

It is from the film Some Like it Hot when Sugar is performing the song, "I'm Through with Love".

In addition to this brand new doll, Kim also re-did a previous Sugar doll that was on the site.  So she has been updated as well with the new version.

2 Marilyn Tattoos Added and 1 Removed

Thanks to Heather and Robyne for sharing their Marilyn tattoos!

I also removed Megan Fox's tattoo from the celebrity section because she is in the process of having it removed from her arm. While it was never a great tattoo of Marilyn to begin with I was happy to display it because Megan seemed to be a genuine fan. She spoke of Marilyn with love and respect when she got the tattoo in 2007. Now all of a sudden she comes out with the following comment as to why she is having the tattoo removed...."Marilyn Monroe is a negative character, as she suffered from personality disorders and was bipolar. I do not want to attract this kind of negative energy in my life." Huh? Seriously? How do you suddenly change your opinion like this? If she had said she was just not happy with how the tattoo looked I could live with that but to say that Marilyn was negative - I can't forgive that from someone who claimed to be such a big fan of hers.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Marilyn Memorial Week 2012

Even though it is almost a year away, plans are underway for the Marilyn Memorial Week in August 2012.  Fans from all over the world will be gathering to celebrate Marilyn's life on the 50th anniversary of her death.

It is a great chance to meet other Marilyn fans and participate in some once in a lifetime events.  This is bound to be the largest gathering yet because of the special anniversary.  There is so much to do it lasts a whole week!

The Immortal Marilyn fan club is organizing some wonderful events that you won't want to miss including a pool party and Marilyn homes and haunts tour.  I am looking to organize a day trip to the Del Coronado where Some Like it Hot was filmed.  In addition, Sunny Thompson will be bringing her one-woman show Marilyn Forever Blonde to join the events.  The week culminates with the annual Marilyn memorial service  which takes place in the chapel where her original funeral was held.

If you have ever thought about traveling to LA - next year is the time to come.  Reservations for hotel rooms are already underway.  If you are interested in sharing a room with other fans to save costs I would suggest you join the Immortal Marilyn facebook page.  It is a great place to meet others who are coming and make arrangements.

I have created a new page on my website with all of the details you need to know.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My Week With Marilyn

So it is almost time for the release of the first big budget hollywood movie based on the life of Marilyn Monroe.  I don't recall another Marilyn bio-pic being available on the big screen like this one will be.  Most are the made-for-TV variety like Norma Jean and Marilyn, The Untold Story and Blonde.  Here we have a high profile cast with a film that is being premiered at the New York International Film Festival.  Pretty impressive indeed.
I'm sure Marilyn fans will flock to the theaters to see Michelle Williams portrayal.  I will certainly be one of them.  I really don't have an opinion on Michelle's abilities to pull it off.  I am not familiar with her work and haven't seen any of her films.  So I will be going to see her with an open mind.  I don't think an actress needs to resemble Marilyn in order to do her justice.  The best film portrayal I have seen (not including the amazing Sunny Thompson in her live show, Marilyn Forever Blonde) was Catharine Hicks in The Untold Story.  She didn't look anything like Marilyn except for the blonde hair.  However, she was able to bring a vulnerability to the role that Marilyn had. (For details on other bio-pics that have been made visit my site at

Of course even if Michelle delivers an outstanding performance that doesn't mean that fans will enjoy the film.  The bigger problem is the material that the film is based on.  My week with Marilyn is based on a book by Colin Clark who served as an assistant during the filming of The Prince and the Showgirl.  Obviously, the film will focus on Marilyn's difficult working relationship with Laurence Oliver during this time period.  I pray that they don't make Oliver the hero and Marilyn the villain in this version.  They both had their faults and I hope this is represented fairly.  Also in Clark's book, he hints at a relationship with Marilyn where they shared a bed.  Hopefully, they will leave out these questionable sordid details in the film.  

Here is a photo that has been released to promote the film.

Michelle Williams as Marilyn.

The real deal.

The official website for the film has also been unveiled at

A re-release of Colin Clark's books will also be available soon through amazon.  Pre-order your copy now at the link below.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Youtube - I'm back B*tches!

Guess you'd need to be familiar with Big Brother to get the title reference :)

It does mean that I am back on youtube though.  I have opened a new account and put back up some of the videos I had on there.  Some have been lost or are not good enough quality to bother putting back up.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Marilyn Boots for Sale Size 7

This seller also has a pair of boots featuring a Marilyn pattern for sale.  The price is $150.  The contact email is

Disclaimer: A third-party is selling this item and has no liability with any transactions that should occur regarding this item.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Illusionist channels Marilyn Monroe on America's Got Talent

Last night on America's Got Talent illusionist Brett Daniels performed an act with a Marilyn theme.  The judges didn't seem too impressed with it but I thought it was great. 

What do you think?  Leave comments below.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Being 36 on August 5th

It has been 49 years today since Marilyn left us but in reality she never really left.  I am still in awe of the way her legend continues to grow.  Young fans continue to discover her, cities build statues to celebrate her, studios make films about her and collectors pay millions of dollars to own a piece of her.  It is unreal.

I wonder what she would think of all this attention so many years after her last film.  Her image continues to stir envy, controversy and appreciation.  People walk around with her image on their shirts or purses without ever having seen a film.  I'm not against people loving only her image because it keeps her in the public eye.  However, I wish the general public would get a better appreciation for what she was really like in real life.

She was a real person not a piece of celluloid.  Her life was inspiring and sad. She wasn't a whore or a dumb blonde.  She was a human being with a big heart who never really found happiness.  I think it is this last part that makes me sad this time of year.  I can't help but think of her dying alone in her bedroom.  Without a family around to love her.

This year I turned 36 years old.  The age Marilyn was when she died.  I have loved her for more than half my life.  I picked up the Barris book when I was 15 and I remember being captivated by those photos.  I remember thinking how beautiful she was for 36 and how far away that seemed.  Now I am there.  It makes me sad to think about how she was at this same stage in her life that I am in now.  She had the same years of memories and experiences to think back on that I do.  It also means that she had the same future to look forward to.  It is such a shame that she never had the chance.

Sorry for the melancholy mood today - I usually try to celebrate Marilyn's life and not dwell on the sadness - but this year it felt different.  I wanted to share this video I made a few years ago that really expresses how I wish I had been there to save her.

Rest in peace.  Sweet Norma Jeane.

Barrisbeach by Marilynfan62

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Marilyn Monroe Inspired Jewelry on HSN tonight at 10pm

I have just received information that tonight on the Home Shopping Network they will be featuring a 1 hour  live special on "Jewelry of Legends" collection inspired by Marilyn Monroe.  It airs at 10pm EST/7pm PST.  

This special edition, only available through HSN, features recreations of some of the most famous pieces of jewelry involved in Marilyn Monroe's career. This HSN exclusive is a special commemorative event because August 5th represents the 49th anniversary of her untimely death. For a preview or advance sale of any of these limited edition items, you can visit HSN .