Marilyn fans the world over have fawned over Stern's photographs that he took in July 1962 shortly before her death. Regardless of your view on whether he should have published photos that Marilyn herself had X'd out there is no denying his photographs are truly legendary. I am personally a big fan of this time period and Marilyn style and "The Complete Last Sitting" is one of my favourite books.

The Izzy Gallery in located in an area of Toronto known as Yorkville. I had never been there before and was really taken by all the interesting restaurants and shops. There was a doorman at the gallery and as soon as I came through the door was offered some wine. Stern had not arrived yet so I walked around the room and looked at the photographs.
All of the photos were of well known personalities including; Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Kate Moss, Twiggy and of course Marilyn. I enjoyed seeing that he included one of his Lindsay Lohan (left) shots as well. All of the large scale photographs had been adorned by Stern with crystals, hence the name of the exhibit "Jewels". Stern's choice of photos were impressive, however, I don't think the added sparkle worked for all of them. Sometimes I preferred the original untouched photo. One that I did like showed Marilyn holding up a scarf (above) and the added accents worked well.
There was media outside the gallery awaiting Stern's arrival. When the cameras started flashing I knew that he was really here. He came inside looked at his work along one of the walls and then sat in one of two chairs in the center of the room. I didn't see anyone else approaching him with a book to sign and was really worried as to how he'd react. I had a really bad experience with another Marilyn photog who refused to sign something so I was a little gun shy as it was. I was thrilled when a guy appeared with his own copy and broke the ice first. I could see Stern sign his book so I was up next.
I bent down and shook his hand. I told him I was a big fan of his work and it was truly a thrill to meet him and if he'd sign my book. He waved to hand him the book and asked my name. I was in total awe watching him sign the book. It was like he was painting a picture. He explained that the little V's he added were birds. No idea what they represent but I'm thrilled to have them. I thanked him again and that was it.
I stood across from his chair for awhile and watched as the media came into the gallery. The local news was interviewing a young woman who appeared to be with Stern (not sure if it was his wife as I never saw the footage on TV). I noticed Jeanne Becker from Fashion TV crouch down in front of Stern and attempt to get an interview from him. She tried for some time but in the end gave up.
Riding back on the subway I kept looking at the invitation to the event and then the inscription in my book and realized just how amazing the night had been and how lucky I was.
If you live in the Toronto area you can visit Izzy Gallery and see Stern's latest work until July 9, 2011.
Here is a photo I took of Stern and a scan of the invitation to the event:
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