Saturday, June 18, 2011

Marilyn dresses score record prices at Debbie Reynolds auction!!

As soon as the first Marilyn gown hit the auction block all bets were off as to what kind of prices would be realized.  The Gentlemen Prefer Blondes dress reached $1.2 million.

Next up was the saloon gown from River of No Return.  It sold for $510,000.

Next up was the Heatwave gown from There's No Business Like Show Business.  It sold for $500,000.

Finally the highlight of the night....the Seven Year Itch dress sold for a staggering $4.6 million.

It is interesting to compare this to the price realized on the JFK Happy Birthday dress that sold at Christies in 1999 for a little over a million.  Imagine what that dress would bring in today's market.

For more information on what it was like at the auction visit this article.

Check out Scott's wonderful video of this historic event...


  1. Wow! Who says the economy is bad?!?

  2. I was watching live on the internet and when I saw the white dress opening bid start at $1 million I got goosebumps. Totally surreal.
